


Never doubt that our business has come of age in the new millenia. BIG TIME. So much is available in terms of networking, relationship-building, and learning/coaching. VOICE2012 is barely over, and FaffCon5 is launching it's enrollment Saturday.  This 5th iteration of the fabulous VO confab, and...

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Conference Heavy

Conference Heavy

There's no one to blame but me. I've over-conferenced myself.  If I go to FaffCon in Charlotte this fall  (I know, I know...it's an UN-conference)...that'll be 5 VO conferences in less than a year's time, and that's not counting my MasterMind meetings and other conference calls. This will NOT...

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So, is today a holiday or not? I'm as American as the next guy, but I'm embarrassed by our collective sense of entitlement sometimes. New Year's day (a national holiday) falls on a Sunday this year.  "Hey!  Wait a minute!  That means we get cheated out of a day off!" (says a certain segment of the...

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FaffCon: The Unconference

FaffCon: The Unconference

Maybe you've noticed a fairly-new icon over on the right side of the blog. FaffCon ‘Old enough to remember the advertising splash 7-Up made with the “Uncola”?  Apparently, when something gets too predictably flavorless, adding an “un” prefix immediately brands the alternative as a welcome rebel....

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