
No Room for Skeletons

No Room for Skeletons

Social Media is the new “gotcha” repository for blame game ammunition. Don’t be the latest casualty.

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Twitter Tries Again…Will You?

Twitter Tries Again…Will You?

Yes, THE most frustrating social media platform for voice-actors....for seemingly EVERYONE.Twitter is always mentioned among the top 5 social media networks...but their owners/managers/founders keep shooting themselves in the foot.  They still have 320-million users, but growth is stalled, and how...

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Twitter Twuths

Twitter Twuths

Still don't get Twitter?  Lotsa people don't.  You're not alone.Sometimes days go by and I don't post or even read posts...and that's probably bad policy. Twitter should not be ignored, so don't be frustrated by this social network.  Next to Facebook, it is the most influential social network to...

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“Rates” Gets Rabid Ratings

“Rates” Gets Rabid Ratings

Who said voice-actors don't like Twitter? WoVO sponsored another TweetChat yesterday, and the results are in:  people like to "chat"... especially about the issue of compensation. The twice-a-month event on Twitter is open to anyone, but World-Voices Organization sets the topics and the guests. ...

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#WoVOChat on Rates Was Awesome!!

#WoVOChat on Rates Was Awesome!!

...our best 'chat' yet!  In case you missed it, here are some resources: A report on the reach of the event. The Storify stream of consciousness, replaying all the tweets. WoVO appreciates all of it's members and prospective members who participated!  The conversation was lively and revealing. ...

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Let’s Chat About Rates

Let’s Chat About Rates

Voice actors are known for their supportive and enabling acts of kindness.  As a community, most other freelance professionals don't come close.  But in one realm, voiceover talents keep their cards close to the vest. Rates. It's not that we wouldn't share information if asked.  But almost no one...

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WoVOChat #2

WoVOChat #2

Yup...every two weeks, we just have too much fun jumping onto Twitter and goin' to town! I'm just letting you know so you can get prepared for Wednesday at noon Pacific Time. Since these are sponsored and organized by World-Voices, we get to choose the agenda and topics.  For Wednesday, Jan. 14th,...

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TwitterChat Wednesday

TwitterChat Wednesday

Which new ideas are future staples, and which ones are just fads? MySpace sure was popular for a while there.  Google Glass looked unbeatable. Now?....not so much. We don't know the future.  We only have hunches, analysis, ROI, and the myopic view of cultural swells to go by.  When I first read...

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Invisible on Twitter

Invisible on Twitter

Twitter is like coffee.  One study claims it's bad for you, and the next study says you really need it to get along in this world. Personally, I like Twitter, but I'm willing to admit I'm not using it optimally. Is anyone? Twitter is the one social media platform that seems to have most...

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