
Quarantine Query

Quarantine Query

We freelancers got this “work from home” thing down pat. Here’s how to capitalize on the know-how with your clients.

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Respect Yourself

Respect Yourself

We've all been there.  New clients who think voice-acting is just "talking", and treat you like they're doing you a favor by offering you ANYTHING just to record their drivel. "There will be more work down the road if you do just this one for free." "Just think of the exposure you'll get." "Give...

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Freelancer Security

We ARE the IT department for our freelance businesses. But is that a strong suit for you?
Here are some fundamentals to consider.

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Taking the “Free” Out of Freelance

Futurists generously predict the move to a “gig” or freelance economy. That doesn’t mean your clients get your work for free. Here’s a look at putting some teeth into freelance.

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Rethinking Labor & Industry

We’re hampered by the language of the past. If we’re going to make a go of the “gig” economy, we’re going to have to adopt the freelance mindset.

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Farm It Out

This blog was going to be about your US Tax Form 1099 MISC, and how today was the deadline for getting it out to anybody you've paid more than $600 for contract services this year.  Similarly you should be getting a form 1099 from anyone who's paid you that amount or more in contract work.. That's...

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Oh, The Excuses We Hear!

We've all been there.  New clients who think voice-acting is just "talking", and treat you like they're doing you a favor by offering you ANYTHING just to record their drivel. "There will be more work down the road if you do just this one for free." "Just think of the exposure you'll get." "Give...

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