
Five Ways FaffCon Helps Us All

Five Ways FaffCon Helps Us All

Almost exactly two years ago the first Faffcon was born.  I shared that experience with about 35 other believers. Now the 5th Faffcon is about to launch with a purposely limited list of just over 100 attendees, and the roster filled up within hours.  I won't be there, but I'm a guaranteed...

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Special Added Bonus in VOAToday.com Week-3

Special Added Bonus in VOAToday.com Week-3

We're only half-way through our September event: Voice Over Awareness Today (VOAToday.com) More than 120 of you have participated, shared, and contributed in your answers so far this month, and a tasty sample of great prizes has been donated and awarded.  (see last week's winners) This week, we're...

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Never doubt that our business has come of age in the new millenia. BIG TIME. So much is available in terms of networking, relationship-building, and learning/coaching. VOICE2012 is barely over, and FaffCon5 is launching it's enrollment Saturday.  This 5th iteration of the fabulous VO confab, and...

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