Oh, You’re Gonna Wanna Check This Out!

by | Apr 18, 2016 | Rates Roundtable

GVAACrest-postThe folks over at the GVAA have been busy.  You know, the Global Voice Acting Academy.
Founder Cristina Milizia, and her amazing team of coaches and contributors grew tired of searching through the morass of confusing online resources for VO rates.  What they DID find was either out of date, not a good fit for the genre they were searching, or flat-out unavailable.
So, for two solid months, they asked all their friends, did a ton of research, and spent considerable time canvassing VO professionals, agencies, casting agents, producers, and clients about VO rates.
‘Turns out the job is never done…but that’s OK, they plan to keep updating this living resource.  You can find it here.
I ran into one of the principle organizers of the rates resource while at WoVOCon III – David Rosenthal — and invited him and Cristina and his crack team of VO rates researchers to our next Rates Roundtable that I co-host with Anne Ganguzza (sponsored by WoVO).
He agreed to record a brief video with me as an invitation to the program (date/time soon to be announced).  Please take a look at the video below, and watch for a release of the next Rates Roundtable soon.
Thanks, Dave!



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