Bob Merkel’s Best-Kept Secret No More: ZamFusion

by | Apr 28, 2015 | Uncategorized

IMG_0010Seeing Bob Merkel at WoVOCon only reminded me that I’d been promising for some time to create a blog article about a little-known feature built into VoiceZam: ZamFusion.

Bob’s been so busy developing StraightShot, and Video functionality, and other great features into VoiceZam, that he’s fallen behind in letting people know about this other handy service integrated into VZ for a great price.

Rather than writing about it…I composed this little video walking you through the ZamFusion interface.  I hope it makes sense.  For some reason, my screen-capture software got wonky in recording my pic-in-pic…so don’t watch me… see in the video below how easy it is to use ZamFusion.

Thanks, Bob!




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