Spanish Moves

by | Sep 4, 2014 | International,

HOLAPeople wonder why we named the new VoiceOver Industry Trade Association World-Voices Organization.  We knew the world was getting smaller, and the global voice-over community was finding its collective consciousness.

Just days ago, I wrote of Simone Fojgiel’s passion for uniting the Spanish-speaking community.  See: SIMONE STANDS UP.wovo-line-final

Simone is now translating our WoVO newsletter into Spanish for us.

Signs of this global voice-acting cooperation are growing.

Gerald Griffith is dedicating an entire day of VO Atlanta2015 to the developing culture of Spanish-speaking Voice-Overs.

Now, announces it’s expanding into the South American market.

voices.comTrisha Beausaert of explains:  “…We’ve recently broken into the Latin American market with the Spanish translation of our services and resources, and we are on track for other foreign industries. This opens up new opportunities for the industries that require voice over that is localized for their international projects…”

You can already view their new Spanish site here: CEO David Ciccarelli had this to say of their new venture:

“Over the last several years, we’ve embraced a vision of going global, mobile and social. With’s mobile and social presence well established, now is the time to execute on our global strategy,” Ciccarelli states. “The translation of the site into Latin American Spanish is our first step for making our service more accessible to customers who prefer to do business in a language other than English.”

See more at:




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