VO Market Research

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Subscription Services

marketresearch‘Not sure where you stand on the issue of P2P’s or one of the biggest entities in that realm, but wherever you stand — pro or con — put it aside for a few minutes.

The innovative business mind behind Voices.com starts with its founder, David Ciccarelli.  He’s the person who tracks the market numbers at this P2P leader.  Ciccarelli’s analysis of the business of voice-overs leads to a yearly “state of the VO industry” report card.  Again, regardless of  how you feel about P2P’s, you can find plenty of information in Ciccarelli’s report  that may help you set the course for your voice-acting business in 2014.

The report is clear, concise, and not lengthy or full of difficult concepts or indecipherable formulas. You may find yourself leaning toward the logic of joining Voices.com after reading it, but that’s your decision.

Here’s the link:  http://www.voices.com/resources/articles/market-research/2013-report-on-the-industry

Thanks, David for once again plumbing the numbers for a revealing look at the trends.




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