Recording Review

by | Jan 15, 2014 | Technology, Web Resources

sound_boardHere’s a website you should just link to, or stick in your RSS feed, or subscribe to, or bookmark, or whatever it is you do to visit worthwhile sites now ‘n’ then. is actually the brainchild and blog of Brandon Drury, who hails from my wife’s neck of the woods:  The Bootheel of Missouri (look at a map, and you’ll figure out why they call it “The Bootheel”). is like many sites catering mostly to the music industry, production & audio engineers, and musicians… you won’t see much mention of  Voice0ver in the content.  However, the resources virtually mirror the technology needs and and trends of voice-actors:

SSD Hard Drive Results On A Recording Computer

Android Lagging Behind Apple iOS In Tablet Recording

Tracking with plugins destructively

Audio Interface Wizard 2.0 Arrested For Murder




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