Recipe for Holiday Recovery: Small Bites

by | Dec 26, 2013 | Ruminations

gggggggoalsIs it just me, or do you have a hard time getting back in the groove after a holiday?

Even worse; the time between Christmas and New Year’s is off-the-charts unique.  It’s like being in limbo between time-shift universes.

Never is there a moment when I feel a greater need to “have a vacation to get over my vacation”… and this is also when I feel the greatest resentment at the breakneck pace and culture of the American work ethic.

I know it’s what made our country great, but now I wonder if that’s not the force that’s making our country tired.

Well, I’m not going to change it in this blog article, and Lord knows my own work ethic contributes to the problem.  I get restless if I sit for too long, and when I’m working, I seem to be happiest.

But just working is not enough.  Hard work can move mountains, but if there was no reason to move the mountain in the first place, then what have I really achieved?

One of the things I’ll be paying greater attention to in 2014 is working smart, and making progress by breaking down the BHAG  (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) into achievable, realistic, daily…even hourly steps.

We all want a “win”.  One win — however small — emboldens us to do more.  Set yourself up for a win:  an achievable goal — and move on to the next.

Lesson:  For all the lethargy that may come from having taken BIG bites of Christmas cheer (and dinner), pick yourself up by your bootstraps with a few SMALL bites for a hasty end-of-year recovery.






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