Seriously? Unimagineable!

by | Mar 25, 2013 | Techniques

email1 (1)Every once in a while, I’ll get a particular email response back from one of my blog subscribers.

It’s an automatic message, and it says the following:

Hello there, 
In order for me to appropriately delegate my time properly to high priority tasks, I only check Emails twice a week. My Email operation times are: 
Monday and Thursday. 
12pm to 1pm And 4pm to 5pm. 

All I’ll say about the respondent is that this person is a freelancer (not VO).

First of all, I give this person kudos for a ballsy move.  He’s got his priorities, and he’s sticking to them.  I give him extra points for a clear vision, and excellent follow-through.

But I ask you…could your freelance VO business thrive…no…survive, if you only checked it twice-a-week?

Mine couldn’t.

I’m married to email.  I get all my FaceBook, G+, Twitter, Google Alerts, V123,, Bodalgo, Nutshell mail, and most every other notice funneled through email.

People pooh-pooh email, saying it’s importance is behind us in the new digital age.  My 20-ish kids tell me only “old people” use email.  They use texting, and FB messaging instead.  My guess is our friend above would put THOSE messages on a similar restrictive diet.

The bottom line is that I think clients prefer email first over even phone calls on first contact.  A good 70% of my first-time contact from prospective/future clients comes from email —  maybe more — I’ve never done the exact metric on that.

Tellya what…just to prove how valuable email is, let’s do this.  Send a message to me at [email protected] with the subject heading GREAT TIPS, and I’ll send you a link to a website I just found that has links to some amazing online tools.

I truly hope the above-mentioned person has found a groove with this time-saving priority.

Is this something you do? / are doing?





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